- Dna.get_annotations(variants: Optional[Sequence] = None) pandas.core.frame.DataFrame #
Annotate DNA variants.
Returns an annotated string array based on the ids of the assay (of form chrA-B-C-D), where A,B,C,D represent the chromosome, position, reference, and alternate variant values of an arbitrary length.
The new strings have a pathological type (PATH, L.PATH, MISS, NONS), and protein or gene added to the beginning of the string. This information is pulled from the MB annotation API.
- Parameters
- variantslist
List of variant ids to get annotation for (e.g. [‘chr1:12341234:T/A’]). By default it will get annotations for all variants from the assay.
- Returns
- variantspandas.DataFrame
The array of strings with pathogenicity and gene/protein appended to the front.