
Detailed Instructions#

Mosaic is available for installation through the missionbio conda channel.

  1. Install Anaconda

    First install the appropriate version of anaconda for your device from the Anaconda page

  2. Install Mosaic

    Following the successful installation of Anaconda, open your console/terminal and run the following commands:

    > conda create --name mosaic -c missionbio -c plotly -c conda-forge missionbio.mosaic notebook
    > conda activate mosaic
    > jupyter notebook
  3. Open mosaic environment and jupyter notebook:

    When you want to access your mosaic environment and open a jupyter notebook, always run the following commands in your console/terminal. Be sure to keep the console/terminal open and running the entire time you are using your notebook, however, you can minimize this window during use. If you are properly in your mosaic environment, you will notice the command prompt change from base to mosaic, please ensure this has happened before opening your jupyter notebook, or else the notebook will not function properly

    > conda activate mosaic
    > jupyter notebook

    Example of prompt changing:

    (base) C:\WINDOWS\system32> conda activate mosaic
    (mosaic) C:\WINDOWS\system32> jupyter notebook

    You may get the error “Conda command not found” when trying to go through this for the first time. If so, use the command “source ~/.bashrc”


If the conda env mosaic already exists, remove it using

conda remove --name mosaic --all --yes

Older versions#

Available older versions of mosaic can be found on the conda channel. These can be installed by passing the required version number.

conda create --name mosaic -c missionbio -c plotly -c conda-forge missionbio.mosaic=1.8.1 notebook

Versions tagged with a label besides main can be installed by changing the channel name

conda create --name mosaic -c missionbio/label/unsupported -c plotly -c conda-forge missionbio.mosaic=1.7.1 notebook