- class TreeGraph(labels: Sequence[str], parents: Sequence[Optional[str]], description: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, font_size: float = 14, marker_size: float = 18, margin: float = 10, marker_gap: Tuple[float, float] = (60, 30))#
Container for creating a phylogeny tree
A tree with 4 nodes with custom descriptions and colors
>>> from missionbio.mosaic.plots.fishplot import TreeGraph >>> labels = ["1", "2", "3", "4"] >>> parents = [None, "1", "1", "2"] >>> descriptions = ["WT", "KIT HET", "KIT HET<br>TP53 HET", "KIT LOH"] >>> graph = TreeGraph(labels, parents, descriptions) >>> graph.draw(palette={"1": "#000000", "2": "crimson", "3": "skyblue", "4": "red"})
([palette, fig, row, col])Create and draw the subclone tree graph.
([positions, node_sizes, ...])The plot size needed to fit the tree
Create a new TreeGraph instance
- Parameters:
- labelsSequence[str]
The labels of the nodes in the tree.
- parentsSequence[str]
The parent for each label. This must have the same length as labels and each parent must be present in labels.
- descriptionSequence[str]
A long description for each label. This is the value shown on the plot.
- font_sizefloat
The font size of the text in the plot
- marker_sizefloat
The size of the circular markers used to represent the nodes.
- marginfloat
The number of pixels that must be left empty within the plot boundaries on each edge of the plot
- marker_gapTuple[float, float]
The gap between the nodes in the x and y direction respectively
- Raises:
- ValuError:
When the labels are not unique