

load_example_dataset(path: str, single: bool = False) Union[Sample, SampleGroup]#

Load a sample dataset


Either a link from where the h5 file is pulled or one of the following:

  1. “3 cell mix”

    It contains DNA, CNV, and Protein data for 2476 cells. It contains 3 cell lines, Jurkat, KG1 and TOM1. The DNA and Protein cells are labeled.

  2. “2 PBMC mix”

    It contains DNA, CNV, and Protein data for 3751 cells. It is a sample with 2 PBMC cells. The DNA and Protein cells are clustered and labeled. This can be used as a reference for the TotalSeqD protein panel cell assignment.

  3. “Multisample PBMC”

    This is the same as the 2 PBMC mix but each patient is a separate sample.


Whether to load as a single sample despite being a multi sample h5 file (Not a recommended approach). Only use this for debugging issues.

An example sample object


>>> import missionbio.mosaic as ms
>>> sample = ms.load_example_dataset("3 cell mix")
>>> sample.name
... "3 cell mix"